Let us introduce you to the archaeologists and scientists working on BONEZ.
Our basecamp is the School of History, Archaeology, and Religion (SHARE) at Cardiff University.
Dr Katherine McCullough French
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow, SHARE, Cardiff University
Dr French is a medievalist and osteoarchaeologist with a special interest in the analysis of burnt bone. A recovering Shovel Bum, her broad field experience extends from Iron Age Britain to the 9/11 Ground Zero project in New York City.
Dr Richard Madgwick
Supervisor, SHARE, Cardiff University
Dr Madgwick specializes in the macroscopic, microscopic, and biomolecular analysis of archaeological bone, with particular expertise in histology and isotope analyses.
Dr John Hines
Mentor, SHARE, Cardiff University
Dr Hines is an interdisciplinary scholar of medieval northern Europe, with special interest in Scandinavian contacts across the Baltic Sea.
Dr Aleksander Pluskowski (Advisor)
Dr Pluskowski is an Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Reading specializing in the environmental impact of colonization and crusades.
Dr Matthew Collins (Analytical Partner)
Dr Collins is the McDonald Professor of Palaeoproteomics at Cambridge University and an expert in the study of ancient proteins and its application in archaeological contexts.
Dr Morten Anderson (Analytical Partner)
Dr Anderson is the co-director of the CELTIC (Cardiff Earth Laboratory for Trace elements and Isotope Chemistry) lab at Cardiff University. His research focus is the applied and interdisciplinary use of isotope geochemistry, particularly for the study of climate change.
Dr Marc-Alban Millet (Analytical Partner)
Dr Millet is the co-director of the CELTIC (Cardiff Earth Laboratory for Trace elements and Isotope Chemistry) lab at Cardiff University. His speciality is the development of geochemistry tools (including isotope proxies) to study planet formation and magmatic systems.
Dr Linas Daugnora (Archaeological Partner)
Dr Daugnora is a professor at the Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos institutas (Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology) at Klaipėda University. A specialist in veterinary anatomy, he has published extensively on horse burials in Lithuania.
Dr Maciej Karczewski (Archaeological Partner)
Dr Karczewski is a Professor of Archaeology at the University of Białystok. His speciality is the archaeology of the Baltic Tribes in northeastern Poland with special interest in environmental archaeology.
Dr Roman Shiroukhov (Archaeological Partner)
Dr Shiroukhov is an expert in West Balt material culture based at the Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie (Center for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology) in Schleswig. His current research focuses on the use of AMS dating techniques to create robust site chronologies.